Client Testimonials
“The product is intuitive and easy to learn. The solution has made internal operations more efficient by allowing the Decision Support Group to take a more active role in business intelligence and spend less time data mining.”
– University of Virginia Health Services Foundation, Charlottesville, VA
– University of Virginia Health Services Foundation, Charlottesville, VA
“Working with a great partner like PrecisionBI, we were able to quickly implement changes to our business systems which resulted in better data at our fingertips leading to better business decisions. This type of flexibility starts with an adaptable system and quickly engaging a team of experts so our organization can respond to the rapid changing environment.”
– University of Minnesota Physicians, Minneapolis, MN
– University of Minnesota Physicians, Minneapolis, MN
“The PrecisionBI tool offered us something we had never worked with as an institution—the capability to interact with data and mine down deeply on specifics.”
– Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, CT
– Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, CT
“Analytics (PrecisionBI) is a useful tool that allows clinicians and other users with little or no technical background to analyze and report data.”
– EVMS Health Services, Norfolk, VA
– EVMS Health Services, Norfolk, VA
“PrecisionBI is a tool that’s easy to use in terms of creating reports. Essentially writing SQL logic with click and drag functionality.”
– Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, CA
– Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, CA
“Sometimes we take the analytics program for granted, but when we told another group about it last year, their jaws dropped and it reinforced to us again the value of this product. We credit our ability to do better reporting and have increased quality because of it.”
– HealthEast Care System, St. Paul, MN
– HealthEast Care System, St. Paul, MN